Fear not the snow. For soon it shall be summer and you would be cursing that too.
And in the rains you’ll jump and dance, and then crib about those dirty clothes.
And then it shall snow again, and gradually that would go!
Having survived two decades and a little more of summers and as many winters, here I am before you, ‘appearing’ much more matured and having half the wisdom! Growing up has been quite an experience – at times exhilarating and at times astonishing – some lessons having been learnt for life and some others might be ignored till death.
There is turmoil – in the hearts and minds – on the land and in the sea. I have a part in it and yet I am not a part of it. For I have been chained in the incessant struggle of work and life. For I have tried to close my eyes to save the horror that might be unfazed, tried to draw curtains – thick and dark. For I have tried to close my ears and escape the reality, tried to plug the earphones – and at times played nothing. For somewhere deep within I always wanted the sun rays to escape those curtains and the music of the wind to reach my ears. For somewhere I was, am and would always be concerned with the chapters being knitted around, which were a part of me, which made me who I am. For in the story lies deep mystery, unknown secrets, incomplete wishes, a part of you and a part of me.
And then someday when the vault be opened, the mystery unfolded and the secret unearthed – that day we shall become one – a part of history – broken pieces yet desired – scratched and scraped – yet beautiful!
That someday I shall give myself to you. That someday I shall be at your mercy.
But not before.
Never before.